Woodland West Community Neighborhood

Neighbors and businesses working together to create a cleaner, safer community to live and work.
Our borders are Carpenter Road-East, Kansas Avenue-South, Morse Road-West and Blue Gum Avenue-North. It includes the opposite sides of the streets of our borders. MJC West is part of us as well as Probation, Juvenile Hall, Symphony Tract, businesses on Carpenter Road, the county pocket homes south of Kansas and Morse Road.
Services we provide on a regular basis are tagging abatement, Neighborhood Watch, a Facebook page dedicated to keeping neighbors informed of lost pets and other information. We help connect neighbors with city services as needed.
We have held a Neighborhood Watch Meeting this spring, Morse Road Cleanup on Love Modesto, National Night Out, Family Fun Day on September 23, upcoming Neighborhood Watch Meeting on October 19 and a fundraiser, Mountain Mike’s Takeover on November 9. We hold monthly Steering Committee meetings.